Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Compare and Contrast- Mean Girls

My opinion towards this film is that it is such a great movie, for those who haven't watched it before really should. One thing I really like about this movie is that it shows mostly all the things that teenage girls go through. It becomes from fake friendships, to stealing each others boyfriends, to rumors. One thing a teenage girl should really have to understand is that there  is plenty guys out there for them. There is no reason they have to  fight for the same exact guy. I also think they shouldn't be talking about each other because that doesn't lead to anything good, it just leads to fights. One thing they also should understand is that they should try and get along with everyone because when they want to get along with someone it might be to late and they might not have the chance to get to know them. They also should understand that everybody gets treated the way they treat others and if you don't like it then they should try and change the way they treat people. One thing I really enjoy about this movie is that at the end they manage to show how teens are really supposed to treat each other.

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