Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Critical Movie Review- American Me

The movie American Me is a very inspiring movie to watch. It involves so much violence, gangs, drugs and romance. One thing that I truly love about this movie is that it shows how so many gangs have problems with each other and the way they like to resolve them. Not only does the violence happens to certain people but I honestly think it's genetic, because if one person is involved with gangs, most people in the family is as well. I think they are involved either way because not only do the people in it get killed but their family and other innocents pay for what they have done wrong or for the work that they have not accomplished. They are a couple people that make many mistakes and end up in prison paying for what they have done. There are also others who end up in jail at a young age and stay in there for a really long until they have served their time. In prison many things happen that do not happen when your out in the real world, for example wires and kites and getting sent to the hole. Once they are out they see the world as a whole different place. They think they could do the same things they did while serving their time and think they have the write to control what is happing inside while they are free. While being in prison you may not find love because you are stuck with a people the same gender as yourself, but when you come out there are many people you are willing to change for. Love is to be willing to take risks, getting hurt, and struggles, but at the en d if you are willing to stick through it all, then it is meant to be.I really recommend to watch this movie. It is very inspiring and I'm sure you will enjoy it.

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