Thursday, June 16, 2011

This Summer 2011

  What I have in mind for this summer is that I really want to get a job so that way I could stop asking my parents for money when I go out. I also think it is really important to get a job so that way I could help my parents out with the bills, rent, etc. I am planning to apply at the Oc fairgrounds and Kmart. Besides getting a job I also want to be able to have my fun. 

  I am planning to hang out with my friends, cousins, and family. Some places we could go to is the fair, beach, or vegas. My cousins and I are planning to take a trip to Mexico and visit our grandparents and family over there. We also plan on visiting places in Mexico we have never visited before and experience the life style they live compare to where our parents are from. We are really looking forward to visit Mazatlan Sinaloa, because my great grandparents are from there and from what our parents tell me, they say that it is such a beautiful place. 

  This summer I am also planning on taking a visit to an Air Force Base because I am really want to join. Another thing I will be doing is preparing myself for college and will be taking my placement test in july to start school in August. I also want have sleepovers at my house or friends house because I really don't want to be bored at home. 

  I am planning on buying a car this summer so that way i could go places and not ask anyone for rides. I am really looking forward to this summer because Im sure it is going to be the best. I will also be turning 18 years old soon, so that way I have the rights to do certain things, for example go to an 18 and older club and party with older people. I really want to remember this summer because this summer is not only going to be a regular summer, but this is when reality hits for all graduating seniors. 

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