Monday, April 4, 2011

Letter of recommendation

April 1, 2011

Ms. Walske
Computer Teacher
Back Bay High School
390 Monte Vista Ave.
Costa Mesa, CA 92627

Dear Mr. Walske:

Lisbeth Cortez is a hard working student and loves talking out loud to everyone around her. She is one of the few girls that enjoys doing anything a guy would do. She is and very intelligent girl and can out smart what you say most of the times. If you disrespect her she will not give you any respect and she defends her self like it should be done. One thing she enjoys doing is meeting new people. She has good experience with that because she always introduces herself to everyone she meets.

Lisbeth Cortez has a great personality. She is an athlete and enjoys playing any type of sport a guy would play. Some sports she is involved with is soccer, softball. She has always been wanting to play football or rugby because her older brother has been involved in it though out his high school years. She has tried to convince her brother to let her join a team but he refuses because he does not want anything happing to his youngest and only sister. She has also done modeling runway and maybe plans on keep on going she is sure about it yet.

She has accomplished to recover all the credits she was missing before she became a Back Bay Student. She is on her way to graduation and is planning the future she has coming her way. Back Bay has turned her whole life around even though she doesn’t show it. Lisbeth got to Back Bay thinking she wasn’t going to make it and she would always have negative comments to say. With time Lisbeth has learned to respect others and not say negative things and has a positive attitude towards learning.


Lisbeth Cortez

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