Wednesday, June 22, 2011

My Time At Back Bay High School

When they first told me at my home school that I was going to be transferred to Back Bay I was really scared. I really didn't want to come to a school where there was hardly anybody I knew. I also felt nervous because there has always been some rumors going around saying that Back Bay was a school for "dumb" students. I really didn't want to be considered as one of those. The day finally came, I had to move schools because all the trouble I got into at my home school. When I got here the first person they introduced me to was the security and he gave me this long speech and I was really scared because I thought I was the only one given that speech, but then I see an old friend I hadn't seen in such a long time and we both got the speech together. We got our classes and the first week in lunch was really uncomfortable because we were the new students and everyone already knew each other. That same week me and my friend kept hoping we could go back to our home school as soon as possible. The second week came by and we had meet most students that attended at that time. Many more new students started coming in and most of them were from my home school. So in lunch time it went from two people (George and me) to a whole crowd of friends we have known for a really long time, and also some new friends. Within time I got used to everything from teachers to friends to classes. One thing I really like about Back Bay is that majority of the teachers help you a lot when it is needed. I am really going to miss Back Bay High School because this school has really taught me a lot and had made me become a better person. There are many opportunities at this school and you have to take advantage of everything. I am happy to say I am going to be graduating from the best school. Back Bay has taught me many things and I certainly will be using all of them in my near future. Everyone here at Back Bay is like a big family and I know that will never fall apart. We all became so close to each other and got used to seeing each other everyday. I am happy to say I am going to be a Back Bay graduate in a couple of days and lets go class of 2011. (One picture is in my folder, could not upload)

Thursday, June 16, 2011

This Summer 2011

  What I have in mind for this summer is that I really want to get a job so that way I could stop asking my parents for money when I go out. I also think it is really important to get a job so that way I could help my parents out with the bills, rent, etc. I am planning to apply at the Oc fairgrounds and Kmart. Besides getting a job I also want to be able to have my fun. 

  I am planning to hang out with my friends, cousins, and family. Some places we could go to is the fair, beach, or vegas. My cousins and I are planning to take a trip to Mexico and visit our grandparents and family over there. We also plan on visiting places in Mexico we have never visited before and experience the life style they live compare to where our parents are from. We are really looking forward to visit Mazatlan Sinaloa, because my great grandparents are from there and from what our parents tell me, they say that it is such a beautiful place. 

  This summer I am also planning on taking a visit to an Air Force Base because I am really want to join. Another thing I will be doing is preparing myself for college and will be taking my placement test in july to start school in August. I also want have sleepovers at my house or friends house because I really don't want to be bored at home. 

  I am planning on buying a car this summer so that way i could go places and not ask anyone for rides. I am really looking forward to this summer because Im sure it is going to be the best. I will also be turning 18 years old soon, so that way I have the rights to do certain things, for example go to an 18 and older club and party with older people. I really want to remember this summer because this summer is not only going to be a regular summer, but this is when reality hits for all graduating seniors. 

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Critical Movie Review- American Me

The movie American Me is a very inspiring movie to watch. It involves so much violence, gangs, drugs and romance. One thing that I truly love about this movie is that it shows how so many gangs have problems with each other and the way they like to resolve them. Not only does the violence happens to certain people but I honestly think it's genetic, because if one person is involved with gangs, most people in the family is as well. I think they are involved either way because not only do the people in it get killed but their family and other innocents pay for what they have done wrong or for the work that they have not accomplished. They are a couple people that make many mistakes and end up in prison paying for what they have done. There are also others who end up in jail at a young age and stay in there for a really long until they have served their time. In prison many things happen that do not happen when your out in the real world, for example wires and kites and getting sent to the hole. Once they are out they see the world as a whole different place. They think they could do the same things they did while serving their time and think they have the write to control what is happing inside while they are free. While being in prison you may not find love because you are stuck with a people the same gender as yourself, but when you come out there are many people you are willing to change for. Love is to be willing to take risks, getting hurt, and struggles, but at the en d if you are willing to stick through it all, then it is meant to be.I really recommend to watch this movie. It is very inspiring and I'm sure you will enjoy it.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Missing Animal Flyer


·    Name: Baby Delilah

This blue nose baby pit bull is very harmless and loveable. If you see her please be kind and contact me as soon as possible. Reward will be given!

Contact Info:
Jaylahh (949) 355-8169

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Compare and Contrast- Mean Girls

My opinion towards this film is that it is such a great movie, for those who haven't watched it before really should. One thing I really like about this movie is that it shows mostly all the things that teenage girls go through. It becomes from fake friendships, to stealing each others boyfriends, to rumors. One thing a teenage girl should really have to understand is that there  is plenty guys out there for them. There is no reason they have to  fight for the same exact guy. I also think they shouldn't be talking about each other because that doesn't lead to anything good, it just leads to fights. One thing they also should understand is that they should try and get along with everyone because when they want to get along with someone it might be to late and they might not have the chance to get to know them. They also should understand that everybody gets treated the way they treat others and if you don't like it then they should try and change the way they treat people. One thing I really enjoy about this movie is that at the end they manage to show how teens are really supposed to treat each other.

Business Card

Thursday, April 7, 2011

SchoolTube - Cyber Bullying

SchoolTube - Cyber Bullying
This video mostly explains to you how to avoid cyber bulling. One way to avoid cyber bulling is to log out and tell an adult. In my opinion I think cyber bulling is not good but then again if they are cyber bulling you, why don't you just erase your account. Another option that you have if you are being cyber bulled is you can also block that person for good and they won't be able to to view any of your stuff or any of your information, or even find you as a friend. The main one is to report it immediately to someone you can trust and will try their best to stop it if needed. I honestly think that they should just stop with the cyber bulling and just do your own thing and leave everyone else out of it. Not  everyone has to suffer because of cyber bulling, but also if you are having problems why do you make a profile if you know you are going to be treated that way.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

My Dream school

After I graduate I  am planning to attend Cal State Long Beach. Many of my teachers and family members have told me that this school is a good choice to attend. Two of my family member have graduated from Cal State Long Beach and have now become a professional Orthodontist and Lawyer. I want to take the criminal justice program so I can become a correctional officer. One thing I love about this school is that they have been sending me brochures since I became a high school student and yet to this day I still receive some. They have called my home phone so I can make an appointment to meet with the councilor. I am really looking forward to attend this school because this has been my dream school since I first started school. I am willing to move out and live either in the college rooms or find myself a job and get myself my own place until I graduate and have the honor to say I attended the best school in Long Beach.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

My 5 year Plan

This year as a senior I am preparing myself  so once I graduate and turn 18 I am planning to go to the Air Force. Before I leave, I want to get a stable job to help out my parents and at least leave them with some money before I leave. I will serve my time there and once I come back from the Air Force I can move on to college and, I plan to either attend Santa Ana college or Irvine Valley College and try to get my AA, or if I get my education paid I will try and get into a higher school like Chapman University or Long Beach University. I want to get into the criminal justice program and study to become a correctional officer.

After I am done with school I have to move on to the training and it won' be that difficult because most of the training is the same training for the Air Force that  I would have experienced . Once I become part of the administration of justice I am planning to move out of State or maybe just out of the country or maybe just out of the city and try to get hired at any prison depending on where I move to. I honestly want to achieve all this in the next 5years.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Letter of recommendation

April 1, 2011

Ms. Walske
Computer Teacher
Back Bay High School
390 Monte Vista Ave.
Costa Mesa, CA 92627

Dear Mr. Walske:

Lisbeth Cortez is a hard working student and loves talking out loud to everyone around her. She is one of the few girls that enjoys doing anything a guy would do. She is and very intelligent girl and can out smart what you say most of the times. If you disrespect her she will not give you any respect and she defends her self like it should be done. One thing she enjoys doing is meeting new people. She has good experience with that because she always introduces herself to everyone she meets.

Lisbeth Cortez has a great personality. She is an athlete and enjoys playing any type of sport a guy would play. Some sports she is involved with is soccer, softball. She has always been wanting to play football or rugby because her older brother has been involved in it though out his high school years. She has tried to convince her brother to let her join a team but he refuses because he does not want anything happing to his youngest and only sister. She has also done modeling runway and maybe plans on keep on going she is sure about it yet.

She has accomplished to recover all the credits she was missing before she became a Back Bay Student. She is on her way to graduation and is planning the future she has coming her way. Back Bay has turned her whole life around even though she doesn’t show it. Lisbeth got to Back Bay thinking she wasn’t going to make it and she would always have negative comments to say. With time Lisbeth has learned to respect others and not say negative things and has a positive attitude towards learning.


Lisbeth Cortez

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Favorite Artist

Lil Wayne is my favorite rapper because he makes pretty good songs even though he doesn't write his lyrics for some songs. Many people hate on him for some reason but I really don't care because to me he made music. He is also one of the hottest rappers alive.

Monday, March 28, 2011

About me

My name is Lisbeth Cortez. Some things I enjoy doing are hanging out with friends, playing soccer, and dancing and playing Call of Duty. I was born in Santa Ana, but raised my whole life in the city of Costa Mesa. I am half Mexican and half italian. There is only one guy in this world so far that I have meet that has turned my life around. His name is Jonathan Jeronimo and he is the best guy friend any one could possibly have. Even though I don't have him as close to me as before, he is always going to have a special place in my heart because he is the reason I stay strong for, not only for him but for myself also. Eddie Sotomayor is always sitting next to me in all my classes for some reason. My family is what comes first before everything or anybody. I am very lovable and kind, but don't ask for respect if you are not giving me any. I won't hate you, I just won't be necessarily happy about your exsistance.